Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Gruyeres: Cheese and Chocolate

This is Gruyeres, land of Cheese, Chocolate, Milk and anything to do with cow's milk. It is pure Switzerland and beautiful. The town was very charming and quaint composed of tiny shoppes and restaurants offering the best cheese and chocolate fondues. We decided to stick with the cheese and chocolate we'd be receiving on our tours for lunch. I did however buy a Swatch in town! It's beautiful silver band with a navy / blue face and rinestones of the 3 and 9. I LOVE it!

Here's a picture of me overlooking more of Gruyeres. It was a bit cloudy the day we went but still beautiful. It's so nice to see how low some clouds are when compared to the mountains.

After walking around Gruyeres we came to the cheese factory and took the tour. It was an interesting tour that described the process of making cheese which I probably could have lived without. It was seriously a vegans worst nightmare. We were able to taste 6, 8 and 10 month preserved cheese. I prefered the 6 month since I don't like strong cheese. Here is where the cheese sits:

After the cheese factory we went to the Calliers (pronounced Ki-yay) Chocolate Factory. This tour was AWESOME!!!!! It's a walking guided tour through rooms designed to show you the history of chocolate and the beginning of the factory. At the end of the tour there is an all you can eat buffet of chocolate!!!

That was my favorite part! I ate FAR to much but it was SO good! I am so going to miss Swiss Chocolate. It's a good thing that Neuchatel Chocolates is about a mile from my house when I get home. I will be making more frequent stops there. :-)

This trip was a great last minute idea and I am so glad I was able to go and experience some more of Swiss culture! I'm not sure where I'll be going next since I have to save some money for my big trip in a month but I'll be sure to post!



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