I do believe that part of this whole going home / countdown / leaving current country of residence is trying to get to places that I feel like I should see before I leave. Two of these places was Versoix and the Red Cross Museum.

My friend Jenna and I had planned to go to Versoix on a Friday afternoon and walk around a bit before she had to pick up one of "her kids" from school. I had heard that it's a small village with a chocolate factory, one street and a train station. We took the time to walk near the lake, then up to the Chocolate Boutique where I found one of my favorite souvenirs to date, a small tin with a picture of Geneva, Lucern and Zermatt on the sides. These are all places that I've been to in Switzerland, that, plus the added chocolate inside was a big selling point for me! I can't wait to fill it with tea bags or other small packets once I get home (and my own place).
After our chocolate finds we headed back around the town before I went with Jenna to the International School to pick up her kid. Yes folks, that's it! Super exciting blog about Versoix. The only neat thing about it is that it's exactly across the lake from my house so I had been curious at to what was over there for a while.
Anyway, the next day I headed out with my friends Annie and Jenna to go to the Red Cross Museum. We got a little distracted by some shopping in Geneva (where I found the BEST brown leather jacket that I am absolutely in love with... just ask Jenna) but eventually we did make it to the museum. It was pretty interesting and we did get a sweet student discount of only 5 francs!
Afterwards we went to a Thai place for dinner and then an Irish pub where I pretty much re-solidified my love of beer (I had given it up for 6 months). I did beat this Irish guy at arm wrestling (although to be fair I did use two arms, and he may have let me win...) but I did get a free pint out of it! Mulligans may now be my favorite pub in all of Geneva, it's like a cross between Jake's bar and Kildare's for my West Chester readers (Both my favorite places in the Dub) that, combined with actual Irish people and it's certainly up there for being on my facebook "Things I will miss" countdown. We will absolutely be back for St. Patrick's Day. Perhaps will even dress up and pass out umm clovers like Valentine's Day (Watch that for a laugh)
Who knows?
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