Sunday, April 3, 2011

Packing and Postcards

So, very unlike my original post of packing here this time around I have not been organized or as thorough at all!  My room was in complete disarray for at least a week before I had to move my things out, my bathroom had products covering my double sink counter and I had suitcases and clothing covering couches.  It was so un-Brittany like and I don't know what may have brought it on.  Perhaps I was still in a dream-like state about anything actually getting done or happening.  But just like in "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" Somehow or other, it came just the same.  

Also, somehow or another I think I'll be able to fit all of my things into my suitcases.  My replacement Emer has a pretty good technique I think I'll post on once I do the actual packing.  Now everything is just thrown into my suitcases until I leave in 2 days and 21 hours... 

So I was able to collect postcards from EVERYWHERE that I went (At least all that sold postcards).  It's quite a collection that's for sure!  Looking back on them makes me smile from all of the crazy things that happened or things that went wrong or things that were so amazing!  I've also blogged about every place I've been to!  I think I might have to print out my blogs so that I can read them in the future.  Perhaps I'll make my own little book of it.  I'm currently putting together an Apple Photobook that is going to be beautiful.  It'll be a great way to show people what all I did.  Course, I could always just say, ya know?  I do have a pretty awesome blog you should check out.  ;-) 

So that's it for packing and postcards!  Look for a Goodbye post soon!

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