I feel like the best thing for me to do right now is to make a list of things that I would like to accomplish within the next year. That way I'll focus less on what I'm leaving behind and more on what I'm going to do.
Top Things to do in my Year Abroad!
Run a Half Marathon
Go on a date with a European
Have a conversation completely in French
Get a picture in front of the Eiffel Towel
& Big Ben
Salsa dance in Spain
See a European Orchestra
Go to a 'Football' game
Eat a meal out by myself without a book
Stay in a hostel
Go on a trip and bring only a backpack
Go to Oktoberfest
See a painting by Picasso
See the sun set on the western shore of Europe
Go to Ireland
Try a Swiss Chocolate Fondue
See the Alps
I'm sure I'll think of more later but this seems like a pretty good list to start with. Now I feel far more at ease about this trip! More to come as it gets closer!